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    青海冬虫夏草科技开发有限公司 Qinghai Cordycepssinensis Technology Development CO.,Ltd. 集冬虫夏草的科研、开发、生产为一体的企业。全国唯一一家,我公司生产的冬虫夏草系列产品严格按照国际标准生产加工,产品品质指标全部超过国家和同行业的标准,公司产品长期出口,产品出口率达到百分之70%。因为专业,所以品质保证。 Cordyceps collection of scientific research, development, production for the integrated enterprise. The only one in china, I produced Cordyceps products in strict accordance with international standards in production, processing, product quality indicators all over the country and with the industry standard, the company long-term export products, exports 70% percent rate. Because the professional, so quality assurance.[详细信息]

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